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В отличие от других решений, решение на Lisp удалось сделать в одном файле. После загрузки пакета достаточно вызвать функцию advserver для сервера и hclient для клиента. Программа для робота запускается, как команда клиента collect.
(require 'trivial-sockets) ;; World definition and inspection (defmacro def-world (&rest attr-names) `(progn ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (attr-name) `(defparameter ,attr-name nil)) attr-names) (defun clear-world () (setf ,@(mapcan #'(lambda (attr-name) (list attr-name nil)) attr-names))) (defun pack-world () (list 'setf ,@(mapcan #'(lambda (attr-name) (list `(quote ,attr-name) `(list 'quote ,attr-name))) attr-names))))) (def-world bound-x bound-y wall-points thing-points entry-point hero-point hero-carries-thing-p) (defparameter world-image-name "1") (defconstant +directions+ '((#c(1 0) . go-east) (#c(-1 0) . go-west) (#c(0 -1) . go-north) (#c(0 1) . go-south))) (defun show-world () (loop for y upto bound-y do (loop for x upto bound-x for point = (complex x y) do (princ (cond ((member point wall-points) #\#) ((eql point hero-point) #\@) ((member point thing-points) #\$) (t " "))) finally (terpri))) (format t "~A~%~A~%~D item(s) here~%" (if (or hero-carries-thing-p (remove entry-point thing-points)) "Game is in progress" "You won!") (if hero-carries-thing-p "You carry an item" "Your hands are empty") (count hero-point thing-points))) ;; New Path finder (defun make-program (directions) (mapcar #'(lambda (direction) `(on-server (quote (,(if (numberp direction) (cdr (assoc direction +directions+)) direction))))) `(,@(reverse directions) pickup-thing ,@(mapcar #'- directions) drop-thing))) (defun collect () (loop with path-table = (make-hash-table) for front = () then (cdr front) and point = hero-point then (car front) while point do (loop for direction in (mapcar #'car +directions+) for neighbour = (+ point direction) unless (or (< (realpart neighbour) 0) (> (realpart neighbour) bound-x) (< (imagpart neighbour) 0) (> (imagpart neighbour) bound-y) (member neighbour wall-points) (gethash neighbour path-table)) do (setf (gethash neighbour path-table) (cons direction (gethash point path-table))) (push neighbour front)) finally (return `(progn ,@(mapcan #'(lambda (point) (make-program (gethash point path-table))) thing-points))))) ;; Command interpreter (defun reload-world () (clear-world) (with-open-file (file world-image-name) (loop initially (setq bound-x 0) for line = (read-line file nil nil) and y upfrom 0 while line do (loop for c across line and x upfrom 0 do (case c (#\# (push (complex x y) wall-points)) (#\$ (push (complex x y) thing-points)) (#\. (setf hero-point (setf entry-point (complex x y))))) finally (setq bound-x (max bound-x x))) finally (setq bound-y y)))) (defun load-world (file-name) (setf world-image-name file-name) (reload-world)) ;; Go commands (defmacro def-commands (directions) `(progn ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (pair) `(defun ,(cdr pair) () (let ((new-point (+ hero-point ,(car pair)))) (unless (member new-point wall-points) (setf hero-point new-point))))) directions))) (def-commands #.+directions+) (defun pickup-thing () (when (and (member hero-point thing-points) (not hero-carries-thing-p)) (setf hero-carries-thing-p t thing-points (remove hero-point thing-points :count 1)))) (defun drop-thing () (when hero-carries-thing-p (setf hero-carries-thing-p nil) (push hero-point thing-points))) ;; Network layer (defun send (stream command) (write-line (format nil "~S~%" command) stream) (force-output stream)) ;; Server (defun advserver (file-name port) (load-world file-name) (trivial-sockets:with-server (server (:port port :reuse-address t)) (loop (with-open-stream (stream (trivial-sockets:accept-connection server)) (eval (read stream)) (send stream (pack-world)))))) ;; Client (defparameter host "localhost") (defparameter port 7766) (defun on-server (server-program) (with-open-stream (stream (trivial-sockets:open-stream host port)) (send stream server-program) (eval (read stream)) (show-world))) (defun hclient (l-host l-port) (setf host l-host port l-port) (on-server '(reload-world)) (loop (princ "> ") (force-output) (eval (eval (read)))))