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Программа состоит из четырех файлов: adv_world.ml, advserver.ml, hclient.ml, roboclient.ml. Кроме этого, еще два файла, которые не вошли в зачет -- adv_world.mli и Makefile.


let find map c =
  let rec find_aux i =
    if i = Array.length map then raise Not_found
    else try (i, String.index map.(i) c) with Not_found -> find_aux (i + 1)
  in find_aux 0

let get_items map =
  let rec get_items_aux accu = function
      (i, j) when i = Array.length map      -> accu
    | (i, j) when j = String.length map.(i) -> get_items_aux accu (i + 1, 0)
    | (i, j) -> get_items_aux (if map.(i).[j] = '$' then (i, j) :: accu else accu) (i, j + 1)
  get_items_aux [] (0, 0) ;;

let num_of_items map = List.length (get_items map) ;;


let serve_cmd map ((x, y), is_empty) = function
    "pickup" when is_empty && map.(x).[y] = '$' ->
      map.(x).[y] <- ' ' ;
      ((x, y), false)
  | "drop" when not is_empty && map.(x).[y] <> '$' ->
      if map.(x).[y] <> '.' then map.(x).[y] <- '$' ;
      ((x, y), true)
  | cmd ->
      let cmds = [("north", (-1, 0)); ("south", (1, 0)); ("west", (0, -1)); ("east", (0, 1))] in
      let x', y' = (function (dx, dy) -> x + dx, y + dy) (try List.assoc cmd cmds with Not_found -> 0, 0) in
      ( if (try ignore map.(x).[y]; false with Invalid_argument _ -> true) || map.(x').[y'] = '#' then
          x, y else x', y' ), is_empty

let send_stat out_channel map ((x, y), is_empty) =
  let map' = Array.map (function line -> String.copy line) map in
  map'.(x).[y] <- '@' ;
  Marshal.to_channel out_channel map' [] ;
  Marshal.to_channel out_channel
    [ if Adv_world.num_of_items map = 0 && is_empty then "You won!" else "Game is in progress";
      if is_empty then "Your hand are empty" else "You carry an item";
      if map.(x).[y] = '$' then "Here lies 1 item" else "Here lies 0 items" ] [] ;
  flush out_channel

let rec input ic =
  try let line = input_line ic in line :: input ic with End_of_file -> []

let serve in_channel out_channel =
  let map = Array.of_list (input (open_in Sys.argv.(1))) in
  let rec loop state =
    send_stat out_channel map state ;
    try loop (serve_cmd map state (input_line in_channel)) with
      End_of_file -> ()
  loop ((Adv_world.find map '.'), true) ;;

Unix.establish_server serve (Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_loopback, int_of_string Sys.argv.(2))) ;; 


let in_channel, out_channel = Unix.open_connection
  (Unix.ADDR_INET ((Unix.inet_addr_of_string Sys.argv.(1)), int_of_string Sys.argv.(2)))
while true do
  Array.iter (Printf.printf "%s\n") (Marshal.from_channel in_channel : string array) ;
  List.iter (Printf.printf "%s\n") (Marshal.from_channel in_channel : string list) ;
  flush stdout ;
  Printf.fprintf out_channel "%s\n" (read_line ()) ;
  flush out_channel
done ;; 


let dfs map (sx, sy) =
  let dxy = [(-1, 0); (1, 0); (0, -1); (0, 1)] in
  let f = Array.init
    (Array.length map) (function i -> Array.make (String.length map.(i)) (-1))
  let q = Queue.create () in
  Queue.push (sx, sy) q ; f.(sx).(sy) <- 0 ;
  while not (Queue.is_empty q) do
    let x, y = Queue.pop q in
      (function (x', y') -> Queue.push (x', y') q ; f.(x').(y') <- f.(x).(y) + 1)
      ( List.filter
          ( function (x', y') ->
              (try ignore map.(x').[y']; true with Invalid_argument _ -> false) &&
                map.(x').[y'] <> '#' && f.(x').(y') = -1 )
          (List.map (function (dx, dy) -> x + dx, y + dy) dxy) )
  done ;

let find_path f (x, y) =
  let rec find_path' (x, y) path rev_path =
    let dxy = [ ((-1, 0), ("south", "north")); ((1, 0), ("north", "south"));
                ((0, -1), ("east", "west")); ((0, 1), ("west", "east")) ] in
    if f.(x).(y) = 0 then path @ ["pickup"] @ (List.rev rev_path) @ ["drop"] else
      let find_path_aux (dx, dy) (dir, rev_dir) =
        if try f.(x + dx).(y + dy) + 1 = f.(x).(y) with Invalid_argument _ -> false then
          find_path' (x + dx, y + dy) (dir :: path) (rev_dir :: rev_path)
        else []
        (function (d, dirs) -> (function [] -> find_path_aux d dirs | path -> path)) dxy []
  find_path' (x, y) [] [] ;;

let in_channel, out_channel = Unix.open_connection
  (Unix.ADDR_INET ((Unix.inet_addr_of_string Sys.argv.(1)), int_of_string Sys.argv.(2)))

let map = (Marshal.from_channel in_channel : string array) in
Array.iter (Printf.printf "%s\n") map ;
List.iter (Printf.printf "%s\n") (Marshal.from_channel in_channel : string list) ;

  ( function (x, y) ->
        ( function cmd ->
            Printf.fprintf out_channel "%s\n" cmd ;
            flush out_channel ;
            Array.iter (Printf.printf "%s\n") (Marshal.from_channel in_channel : string array) ;
            List.iter (Printf.printf "%s\n") (Marshal.from_channel in_channel : string list) )
        (find_path (dfs map (Adv_world.find map '@')) (x, y)) )
  ( Adv_world.get_items map ) ;;


val find : string array -> char -> int * int
val get_items : string array -> (int * int) list
val num_of_items : string array -> int


adventure: advserver hclient roboclient

advserver: adv_world.cmo advserver.ml
	ocamlc unix.cma adv_world.cmo advserver.ml -o advserver
hclient: adv_world.cmo hclient.ml
	ocamlc -g unix.cma adv_world.cmo hclient.ml -o hclient
roboclient: adv_world.cmo roboclient.ml
	ocamlc -g unix.cma adv_world.cmo roboclient.ml -o roboclient
adv_world.cmo: adv_world.mli adv_world.ml
	ocamlc -g -c adv_world.mli
	ocamlc -g -c adv_world.ml

	rm -Rf *~ *.cm[io] advserver hclient roboclient