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module Main where import Data.Map hiding (map, filter, delete, null) import Data.List import System.IO data Point = Point { x:: Int, y:: Int } deriving (Eq, Ord) toUp (Point x y) = Point x (y + 1) toDown (Point x y) = Point x (y - 1) toLeft (Point x y) = Point (x + 1) y toRight (Point x y) = Point (x - 1) y data World = World { sizex:: Int, sizey:: Int, walls:: [Point], items:: [Point], player:: Point, carry:: Bool } readWorld y [] = World 0 (y - 1) [] [] (Point 0 0) False readWorld y (line:rest) = readLine (readWorld (y + 1) rest) 1 line where readLine world x [] = world { sizex = max x (sizex world) } readLine world x (cell:rest) = readLine readCell (x + 1) rest where readCell = world { walls = if cell == '#' then point:worldWalls else worldWalls, items = if cell == '.' then point:worldItems else worldItems, player = if cell == '@' then point else (player world) } where point = Point x y worldWalls = walls world worldItems = items world getWorld = do worldStream <- readFile "data" return (readWorld 1 $ lines worldStream) showWorld _ 0 = [] showWorld world y = (showLine (Point (sizex world) y)) : showWorld world (y - 1) where showLine (Point 0 _) = [] showLine point = showCell : showLine (toRight point) where showCell | point `elem` (walls world) = '#' | point == (player world) = '@' | point `elem` (items world) = '.' | otherwise = ' ' isValid world point@(Point x y) = point `notElem` (walls world) && x>0 && x<=(sizex world) && y>0 && y<=(sizey world) bringAll world = foldr (++) [] (map bringItem $ items world) where start = player world neighbours point = [dir point | dir <- [toUp, toDown, toLeft, toRight], isValid world (dir point) ] waveMap [] wave = wave waveMap front wave = let source = head front nb = filter (`notMember` wave) $ neighbours source g = wave ! source + 1 in waveMap (tail front ++ nb) (foldr (\point wm -> insertWith (\_ n -> n) point g wm) wave nb) waveMap' = waveMap [start] (singleton start 0) bringItem item = (traceProgram $ reverse itemTrace) ++ ["take"] ++ traceProgram itemTrace ++ ["drop"] where itemTrace = trace item trace item | start == item = [item] | otherwise = item : trace nearest where nearest = minimumBy genOrder $ neighbours item where findGen p = findWithDefault (waveMap' ! item) p waveMap' genOrder p1 p2 = compare (findGen p1) (findGen p2) traceProgram [point] = [] traceProgram (point:rest) = (command point (head rest)):(traceProgram rest) where command (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2) = case Point (x2-x1) (y2-y1) of Point 0 1 -> "up" Point 0 (-1) -> "down" Point 1 0 -> "left" Point (-1) 0 -> "right" getProgram = do str <- getLine return (words str) applyProgram program world initial = foldl applyCommand world program where applyCommand world str = case str of "up" -> step toUp "down" -> step toDown "left" -> step toLeft "right" -> step toRight "take" -> grab True delete "drop" -> grab False (:) "reset" -> initial "collect" -> applyProgram (bringAll world) world initial otherwise -> world where current = player world step dir | isValid world target = world { player = target } | otherwise = world where target = dir current grab carryFlag action | carry world == carryFlag = world | otherwise = world { carry=carryFlag, items=action current (items world) } doRepl world initial = do putStr (unlines $ showWorld world (sizey world)) program <- getProgram if null program then return () else doRepl (applyProgram program world initial) initial main = do world <- getWorld doRepl world world